Nikolai Shurygin is a Russian artist who was born in 1957. He works in private collections located in Russia, Italy, USA,Libya,Germany and other. Shurygin use the uniqueness of the technique which consists in the point that every layer of paint is visible through the layer above.
Using this technique the artists achieved the incredible realism of depicted subject whether a human face or any texture - silver, gold, brocade, fur, glass, etc. The term of producing a portrait or a still-life in this technique is from 4 to 12 months.
Using this technique the artists achieved the incredible realism of depicted subject whether a human face or any texture - silver, gold, brocade, fur, glass, etc. The term of producing a portrait or a still-life in this technique is from 4 to 12 months.
Nikolai Shurygin oil painting portrait
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